Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Download File With Extension .001 or .002 or .003 or etc.

May be some of you still confuse about file extension. File extension is the name that shows the kind of the file, for example ".avi", "mpeg", "3gp", means that they are such a video file with extension avi, mpeg, 3gp, or other video file extensions.

I guess you start to know about file extension, right? ok, file extension like .avi .mpeg. 3gp .jpg .png .rar, etc. i think we all know that well, because they are so familiar for us. But, what about .001 or .002 or .003, etc. Do you know that file extension?

Today so many movie download link that provide splitted movie file with extension .001 .002 .003 etc. Those kind of file extension can not be downloaded with some download manager, in this case i use IDM. Now, i'll give you the way so IDM can download that kind of file extension.

Now, open your IDM. Click "Download" on the menu bar, then click "Option". Then choose tab "File Types". Now look at the first log, there are so many kind of file extension. Click after the last extension on the log and simply type .00* , don't forget the dot before the first 0 and * after the second 0. Then press "OK"

Now, you can try to download the splitted movie file and IDM will automatically detect it. So, good luck and get successful download.

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